Puteri Indonesia 2008, Letisha Siregar Zivanna perched on the back rank second in the Miss Universe 2009, after it was bumped to rank 5. Usual Zizi said Letisha Siregar Zivanna familiar meringsek back up to second position, after previously ranked fifth with a value below 2.71 was Miss Latin from Brazil, Ecuador and Guatamala and Miss Thailand.
Until this news down at 16:12 pm. sensual beautiful woman who was 20-year-old is under Larissa Costa Miss Brazil and Miss Thailand on Chutima Durongdej.
Zizi's position to secure the second place or even make it in the first sequence while Miss Universe 2009, can support it by visiting the official website while www.missuniverse.com.Untuk grand final event to be held next August 23, 2009 at the Bahamas, the following ranking of 5 Miss Universe 2009.
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