
This is the Dangers That Lurk For Passive Smokers

Passive Smokers danger. Passive smoking is a general term used to describe someone who does not smoke, but being around a person who is smoking. Based on the fact, passive smokers bear a greater impact than the health-related active smokers. For this reason, try to avoid as much as possible immediately and leave a place filled with cigarette smoke. So, what dangers lurk for the passive smokers ... ???.

Companions, health tips. One day the author had a walk in a fairly large shopping mall. Involuntarily, my eyes fixed on a pair of lovers who are sitting in front of the entrance to the shopping places. Sadly, the man was smoking cigarettes and the woman sitting next to him. If they are destined to become husband and wife, I can not bear it if she is to become passive smokers lifetime. Here are the dangers lurking for passive smokers:

  • Lead to heart disease, respiratory disease and the risk of developing lung cancer. These three diseases that can attack your body, if secondhand smoke continuously every day.
  • Sudden Death in Infants. Babies exposed to cigarette smoke exposure in continuing to endanger the safety of his soul.
  • Dangerous For Pregnant Mothers. Pregnant women should not smoke or be a passive smoker, because it could lead to weight babies born are not normal or low.
In fact, smoking is not good for health, however smoking is the right of each person. Therefore, of smoke in places or areas specifically provided for smoking. So you also freely smoke without endangering the health of those around you.

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