
This is the fairy tale collection of children's stories, children's stories about the model child - The story of the ant

The story of the ant
There are more than 12,000 species of ants all over the world.
Ants may lift 20 times their own weight. If a strong man like ants, he will be able to be able to lift the train!

Some ant queens can live for many years and has millions of babies!
Ants do not have ears but "listen" to feel vibrations in the ground with his feet.

When ants fight, usually it ends in death!
While hunting, ants leaving pheromone trails so they know where they have gone through. queen ants have wings and will break or fall out of his body when he started a new nest.

Ants do not have lungs. Oxygen in through small holes throughout the body and carbon dioxide leaves through the same holes.

When the queen dies colony, the colony was only able to survive only a few months because of worker ants can not reproduce.

There are three types of ants in the colony: the queen, worker and male ants. Queens and male ants have wings, while the workers do not have wings. Ant queen can lay eggs. Male ant task is to mate with the queen ant and control their colonies. Queen ants adults only stay in the nest and spend the rest of his life to spawn! Depending on the species, the ant colony may have sekor queen or more.

Apart from these three types, ant colonies also have soldiers who protect the queen ant, defend the colony, collecting food and attack enemy colonies in competition for food and nesting space. If they beat another ant colony, they took eggs ant colony defeated. When the eggs hatch, the new ants are "born" will serve the colony of ants that keep the eggs.